Providing Accessible Voter Information

For the November 8, 2022 Consolidated General Election, we produced 31 different versions of the 256-page Voter Information Pamphlet.

The new website provides voters the opportunity to choose a more environmentally friendly alternative. Over 12,000 voters have chosen to opt out of receiving the print version of the VIP, resulting in substantial printing cost savings for the City.

InterEthnica serving as poll workers.

For the November 8, 2022 Consolidated General Election, we produced 31 different versions of the 256-page Voter Information Pamphlet.
For each election since 2012, we have translated, designed and illustrated, and recorded the behemoth San Francisco Voter Information Pamphlet and Sample Ballot (VIP) in various formats for the city’s diverse voters. Adhering to strict election laws and rigorous timelines, we produce the following deliverables:
Print version of the VIP in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino for each of the city’s 11 Voting Districts,
Large-print version of the VIP in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino for the visually impaired,
Web XML version of the VIP in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino,
MP3, CD, and cassette tape audio recordings of the English VIP for the blind and print disabled,
Facsimile ballots in Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese,
ADA compliant voter information posters,
Other related election material

The City and County of San Francisco
Department of Elections
Key services provided
Cultural Consulting, Equity Consulting, Market Research, Graphic Design & Creative Services, Language Services